
Thomas Bühlmann

    Der Inhaber von buccess AG Thomas Bühlmann sammelte seine Erfahrungen in folgenden Funktionen und bringt umfassendes Know How zur Realisierung Ihrer Visionen mit:
  • Unternehmensführung, Unternehmensberatung, Strategieberatung
  • Programmleiter Digitalisierung einer Unternehmensgruppe
  • Bereichsleitung Projekte & Prozesse einer Bankengruppe
  • Leiter Unternehmensintegration
  • Leiter Bankenaufsicht Liechtenstein
  • COO, CFO einer Privatbank
  • CTO, COO eines Fintech Startups
  • Senior Consultant Business Development, M&A
  • Progamm-/Projektleiter Business- /IT Projekte

Einblicke in unterschiedliche Branchen bringen neue Erkenntnisse und eröffnen zusätzliche Möglichkeiten

Unternehmen und Branchen

Thomas Bühlmann war bei folgenden Unternehmen und Branchen tätig:

Swiss Life AG, Swiss Life Wealth Managers, Valyo AG, VP Bank AG, Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein, diverse Privatbanken, Raiffeisen Schweiz, AGI Service AG, Xerxes AG, Huber & Suhner AG

Finanzdienstleistungen, Bank, Versicherungen, IT Dienstleistungen, Industrie, Verwaltung, Immobilien

Privat ist er Familienvater, ein leidenschaftlicher Segler, interessiert und engagiert an gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen.


Dr. Marion Koch, Head Private Clients Swiss Life Asset Management, Executive Committee Schweiz

„Swiss Life Wealth Managers is an expansion of the Swiss Life Group within the Swiss Market. It now offers private individuals comprehensive advisory services and individual asset management from a single source. Thomas supported us for over 12 months in various roles. He acted as a project manager, business architect and Scrum Product Owner (Coach). Also, he was a major resource in preparing a FINMA filing and a continuous sparing partner to explore strategic topics.

Thomas is a fun-to-work person who thrives in sharing his knowledge and creating a positive and engaging team environment. His profound knowledge in asset management and setting up a new business unit in a complex IT integration project was impressive.“

Daniel Schwab, CEO Valyo AG

„Valyo is a Fintech start-up incorporated in 2019. Thomas supported us for more than 12 months in building up the company and implementing our digital financial market platform. He acted as CTO/COO, Scrum Product Owner (Deputy) and project manager. He also developed our risk and ISMS framework and supported us in the further development of our strategic positioning.

Thomas contributed significantly to the successful completion of the project. He brought structure and calmness to the project and our company. With his extraordinary deep expertise he covered a wide range of topics. He convinced with his natural authority and with his target focused leadership. From the very first day, he integrated himself perfectly into the project team and provided valuable input.“

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